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Summerlife Magazine Online 2018

By 1st June 2018May 31st, 2021Niseko News, Summerlife
Managing Editor

By Kristian Lund

Powderlife co-founder and editor Kristian Lund is a former newspaper journalist who spent time growing up in Tokyo and learned to ski in the Japanese Alps. He earned his stripes as a reporter at News Limited newspapers, and went on to work as a senior media advisor in Australian state government. He started making Powderlife in 2007 after falling in love with life in Niseko during his first visit.

I have a secret that I need to reveal. It’s something I’ve known deep down for a long time, but only realised for certain a few years after I moved to Niseko and experienced several summer/winter seasonal cycles.

As I was putting this issue of Summerlife together, I realised it was time to let go of my anguish and decided there’s no better time or place to tell the world than in this magazine. So, what I want to say is… I’m a summer person!

That’s not an easy thing to say in Niseko in winter when everyone’s having the time of their lives – especially when you’re the editor of the local ski mag! But don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying I’m strictly hetero-seasonal. I do love winter and there’s nowhere in the world I’d rather spend the best part of four or five months cooped up inside. And I absolutely love the consistent, dry powder snow that provides daily entertainment and wonder on and off the ski hill.

But there’s something about the cold that doesn’t allow me to feel completely relaxed. So I’ve decided to come clean and confess I absolutely love summer more than anything else – especially when it’s served in Southwest Hokkaido.

My passion for warm weather and fun in the sun came about as a result of growing up surfing, fishing, boating and camping on Australia’s east coast. Now my half-Japanese kids have their own equally spectacular, if not more diverse landscape in which to create their own childhood memories. Within a short walk or drive we have volcanic mountains, some of Japan’s most pristine rivers, streams, waterfalls, freshwater springs and lakes and two spectacular coastlines on different oceans – the mighty Pacific and the Sea of Japan.

Outdoor adventure and activity opportunities are endless. I won’t recount a list of everything you can do in these parts because a flick through the pages of this magazine will give you a good idea. Although this magazine is by no means an exhaustive round up.

Despite the title, this magazine isn’t just about summer. It’s just that summer is the best single word to describe the non-winter months (and the most perfect opposite of “powder” to go with “life”!). Green season isn’t 100 per cent accurate as the start of spring and most of autumn aren’t particularly green. Off-season isn’t right either as that implies winter is the only on-season, which as you’re about to discover, is most definitely not true.

In any case, this magazine is primarily distributed in Niseko in winter – when the world is here – and designed to introduce ski-season visitors to the wonder of the “slower” seasons. So while you might be a died-in-the-wool-jumper winter person, I’m certain if you come back after the snow melts you will fall in love with what’s on offer here in the warmer months as well.

– Kristian Lund



Summerlife is a privately funded, non-profit-making initiative by Powderlife publisher Niseko Media KK. It’s designed to introduce visitors to Niseko’s non-winter charms to encourage year-round tourism for the long-term benefit of the region and its people.

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